Friday, December 25, 2009

World Photographers Organziation appoints Asian Division Chief and UK Division Chief

A more formal press release will be forthcoming, but the quick news is this.

David Yeo is now the Asian Division Chief for WPO.

Alison Oxley is no the UK Division Chief of WPO.

What other divisions should WPO create?


1 comment:

  1. I am very pleased to be appointed as the UK division chief, i have created a network directly linked with WPO, which i am determined to make a success of. I have to say a big thank you to Dodge for giving me this opportunity and just to say that i will not let him down. I have spent the last few days helping Beverley Pohlner set up her site as the Australian division chief, and i have also given a little help to David Yeo with his Singapore site, i have very much enjoyed helping out and am always willing.
